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Patch notes 2022-12-13

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#1 Regnor



  • Team Hero Zero
  • 5 posts
Reputation: 147

Posted 13 December 2022 - 06:59 AM

The following changes were made today (2022-12-13):
New features
• Item rewards for event tasks will now be generated when the rewards are picked up, not upon task completion.
• The volume of background sounds and effect sounds can now be adjusted separately.


Team Chat
• Leaders and Advisors now have a slightly different colour.
• A higher amount of old Messages are now loaded (this only affects messages that are written after the update).
• Leaders can now delete messages.


• If notifications were disabled in the sound options, the background sound was disabled as well. This problem has been fixed.
• When making changes, the character will now not disappear and reappear, but will be updated directly instead.


• In the mobile version it was possible that background sounds were not correctly repeated. This problem has been fixed.
• The buttons on the lower left and right have been placed slightly more towards the middle.


Best regards,
Your Hero Zero Team

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