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#1 Cerberus



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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:28 PM

Ive noticed the Villians feature while ok could do with improvements.

For one thing the duration is rather short, I played another game and the "world raids" were set for 24-72 hours and while it took a long time the community would still end up fighting these and taking them down. Their life was in the billions and some players would do over 100m of hits over several hours of hitting.

Im not suggesting that you increase them to that level but extend them a bit, 12 hours is reasonable to allow people who work or have other commitments to participate.

What I think you are failing with is a staggering of rewards. I could attack once and get the same reward as someone who was hitting throughout the instance because they didnt make the top players. Try staggering the reward. So the Top player would get something pretty awesome, the next 10% something not so great and go down the line by 10% each step of participants so the bottom 10% get junk. The idea here is to reward effort and participation to a more broad base than the top players, even a low level could attain some decent gear in this scenario.

The game I played which appeared to get this mostly right even had them grouped in levels so the level 1-25 had a group, 26-50 another, 51-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-500, 500+. I would suggest against this approach however as this along with a nearly daily tournament encouraged people to sit as low level as possible in a process of slow accumulation. ie a level 1 that spent a year just doing training would make for a pretty badass level 1, they would then totally dominate in these tournaments which in turn would discourage new players from competing, it killed off the game.

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